Arboretum of Vrigne Aux Bois

Free access - Route 1,8 km - About 1h

The start of the forest botanical trail in Vrigne Aux Bois is located in the municipal park, which was originally the pleasure park of the castle built by the Master of Forge, Jean Nicolas Gendarme, in 1820. It therefore contains multi-century-old trees that dominate the town. Access to the park is free and the start of the path is located to the right of the church. Its route is a 1.8km loop that goes around the outside of the park in 1 hour on a beautiful, easily accessible path.

It allows you to discover 20 forest species through 23 panels.

This trail is also a digital trail. With your smartphone, you can scan a QR code to obtain additional information on each species. As such, it is referenced on a national scale on the Smart Flore network.
