La Petite Brasserie Ardennaise (brewery)

De Malt and d'Ô

Open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Since 1997, the Petite Brasserie Ardennaise has perpetuated the brewing tradition in the Department.

L’Oubliette is a beer brewed by infusion with malt, yeast hops and water, without additives or preservatives of any kind.
With its variations in Amber, Blonde, Stout or White, let yourself be surprised by our varied beers with multiple flavors from the oldest regional brewery in Champagne Ardennes!

Special oblivion 33 cl / Special oblivion 75 cl / Fut Special oblivion / Mini was Amber oblivious / Fut Ambrid oblivious / Mini was Blonde oblivion / Fut Blonde oblivion / Mini was Stout oblivion / was Stout oblivion / Mini was Special oblivion and finally Absinthe.

Additional information
